JDD Photography

Our Mexican Honeymoon: The Awesome, The Alright, and What I Wouldn’t Do Again.

Meet Jess!

The Jesus followin', Free People wearin', chocolate chip cookie eatin' Diet Coke addict who loves her man, good fiction, and all things sparkly

Let's be friends!

  1. […] The last time we went to Cabo we flew out of the Tijuana Airport, and I swore I wasn’t gonna do it again but…we did it again. The flights were just SO much cheaper that we almost had no reason to fly out of the San Diego airport. Like I’d tell anyone, crossing the border by CBX is SO easy. The Tijuana airport is nice, safe, and clean, and when you cross using CBX, you cross the border, go through security, and get over to your gate without every leaving the building so it feels very safe. Plus, there are tons of Americans doing the same thing, and most of the employees either speak English, or repeat all the instructions and announcements in English so you don’t need to be traveling with someone who speaks Spanish in order to fly out of there. […]

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